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r/engrish: Phuck ups in english of any kind! Feb 2, 2018 - I look at top posts from r/engrish, with some of Reddit's best and brightest linguists. Twitter ▻ Instagram
r/Engrish was created over 12 years ago and currently has around 559.8K subscribers from which 297 are currently active. Add To Favorites. RelevanceTop New
The meme can often involve some kind of stereotypical Engrish speech pattern as well. Following is our collection of funniest Confucius jokes.There are some is not responsible for the content downloaded by users. For Copyright Reclamation, DMCA or Report Child or Offensive Videos write us to:
May 13, 2012 I looked in the Engrish store, as they sell reproductions of some of the more well- known shirts, wasn't there but it was unlikely.
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Feb 2, 2018 - I look at top posts from r/engrish, with some of Reddit's best and brightest linguists. Twitter ▻ Instagram r/Engrish was created over 12 years ago and currently has around 559.8K subscribers from which 297 are currently active. Add To Favorites. RelevanceTop New The meme can often involve some kind of stereotypical Engrish speech pattern as well.
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