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chinwag definition: 1. a long and pleasant conversation between friends: 2. a long and pleasant conversation between…. Learn more. chinwag (Noun) An informal conversation, usually about everyday matters; a chat, a gossip. chinwag (Verb) To chat, gossip.

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for the good of our workers, what is the good of worrying? 39 positive moral qualities; goodness; virtue; righteousness  ChinWag is an XMPP-based messaging service, which means we fully interoperate Our discussion forum is the ideal place if you need to have a persistent  17 Nov 2019 Most modern day people do not say chinwag. Sure maybe the older generation did but … I mean it's always been over exaggerated. 3 Nov 2017 Some believe it's derived from the Dutch word "blute," meaning "bare. "Those two are having a proper chinwag — I haven't been able to get a  19 Oct 2018 dialogue: : a written composition in which two or more characters are represented Chin-Wag – British Slang – Chinwag Definition Examples  Correct spelling for the English word "chin-wag" is [t͡ʃˈɪnwˈaɡ], chin-wag. Chin-wag meaning Below is the list of 2 misspellings for the word "chin-wag".


Chinwag is an Internet community based in Soho, London, United Kingdom consisting of new media and digital marketing professionals.. Chinwag was founded in 1996 by Sam Michel, and hosts several of the UK's oldest known electronic mailing lists, including uk-netmarketing. THE word “chinwag” – famously used by President Obama following talks with Australia's prime minister, Welsh woman Julia Gillard – originally came from a drowned Welsh village, a historian chinwag (pl. chinwags) (Britain, informal) An informal conversation, usually about everyday matters; a chat, a gossip.

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Chinwags has also appeared in 0 other occasions according to our records . 13. Synonyms for have a chinwag include gab, chatter, babble, gossip, talk, chat, jabber, prattle, blabber and chitchat. Find more similar words at! A chinwag is a conversation, usually small-talk or gossip.

What does a chinwag mean

WORD OF THE DAY. It’s a phrase used to mean either a gossip, a frivolous conversation, or when said with some emphasis, a very serious conversation between certain kinds of chap. “My wife and yours are chinwagging in the ladies’ lounge.
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What does a chinwag mean

a long and pleasant conversation between friends: 2. a long and pleasant conversation between….

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Sorry, pal. The word 'solid' usually refers to an object, but in slang, it can mean that  Did you mean chinwag? chinwagchinwags. English to Gujarati Dictionary: chin wag.