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Linda Laikre - Stockholms universitet

En metapopulation är en uppsättning delpopulationer som binds samman genom att The Theory of Island Biogeography. Princeton;. chain theory: constraints, synthesis, and recommendations for temperate lakes. Ecosystems metapopulation.

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Models for spatially distributed populations: the effect of within-patch variability . Theoretical Population Biology. ,. 19. 1 Apr 2012 Classical metapopulation theory (CMT) has proven an attractive paradigm for ecologists concerned with the conservation of aquatic-breeding  Metapopulation theory developed in terrestrial ecology provides applicable frameworks for interpreting the role of local and regional processes in shaping  Metapopulation theory identifies biogeographical patterns among core and satellite marine bacteria scaling from tens to thousands of kilometers. Metapopulation theory has become a common framework in conservation biology and it is sometimes suggested that a metapopulation approach should be  av V Johansson · 2012 · Citerat av 1 — In spatially realistic metapopulation theory, the colonization rate of a patch is determined by its distance to potential dispersal sources, i.e.

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En population  It encompasses both the essential theory of metapopulations and a wide range of empirical studies - including the author's own unique research on the  Université, Lausanne | Metapopulations, Frogs and Wildlife Conservation Much of metapopulation theory assumes that the persistence of individual  3) Experience of teaching at different university courses on nature value assessments, metapopulation theory, conservation ecology, the Swedish forest model,  eigenvalue perturbation theory (EPT) to select optimum networks of protected offers an improved link between connectivity and metapopulation dynamics. MODELS, Habitat, graph theory, Connectivity, network analysis, OCCUPANCY, AREA, SPECIES DISTRIBUTION, SPATIAL DYNAMICS, METAPOPULATION,  Understanding invasions in patchy habitats through metapopulation.

The relative importance of local and regional processes to

Metapopulation theory identifies biogeographical patterns among core and satellite marine bacteria scaling from tens to thousands of kilometers. Metapopulation theory has become a common framework in conservation biology and it is sometimes suggested that a metapopulation approach should be used for management of large mammals. However, it has also been suggested that metapopulation theory would not be applicable to species with long generations compared to those with short ones. Metapopulation theory identifies biogeographical patterns among core and satellite marine bacteria scaling from tens to thousands of kilometers. Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift (en) Hanski I. “Metapopulation dynamics.” (1998) Nature 396 (6706) : 41. (en) Edward O.W. Island Biogeography in the 1960s : Theory and Experiment.

Metapopulation theory

Metapopulation theory has become a common framework in conservation biology and it is sometimes suggested that a metapopulation approach should be  av V Johansson · 2012 · Citerat av 1 — In spatially realistic metapopulation theory, the colonization rate of a patch is determined by its distance to potential dispersal sources, i.e. to surrounding occupied patches (connectivity henceforth; Hanski, 1999), as an effect of restricted dispersal.
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Metapopulation theory

Some demographic and genetic consequences of environmental heterogeneity for biological control. Metapopulation theory states that all local pop - ulations eventually go extinct, but that dispersal among them has a quantitative influence on population dynamics, including rescuing them from extinction or allowing for recolonization after extinction (Hanski and Simberloff 1997). Therefore, a metapopulation approach may be View Academics in Metapopulation Theory on Academia.edu. Metapopulation ecology is a field that is richer in theory than in empirical results. Many existing empirical studies use an incidence function approach based on spatial patterns and key assumptions about extinction and colonization rates.

Metapopulation, originally pioneered by Levins, refers to a series or set of local populations, each existing on a patch of suitable habitat that is separated from other occupied patches by unsuitable terrain.
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#Metapopulation #audioversity~~~ Metapopulation ~~~Title: What is Metapopulation? Metapopulation theory is appropriate for analyzing fragmented landscapes because it combines empirical landscape features with species‐specific information to produce direct information on population extinction risks. This approach contrasts with descriptions of habitat fragments, which provide only indirect information on risk. Metapopulation theory identifies biogeographical patterns among core and satellite marine bacteria scaling from tens to thousands of kilometers.

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Patches vary in good and poor habitat quality. 2. source  This, based on the metapopulation theory, requires habitat networks of adequate connectivity (Cabeza 2003) and capacity (Hanski and Ovaskainen 2000) over  4 Jun 2014 2 Dynamical models of infectious diseases: From single population to networked metapopulation. 2.1 Compartment model. To study the  1 Feb 2000 To develop hyperlongevity theory further, a technique is needed for studying Metapopulation analysis can be used to construct a model of an  15 Nov 2010 To learn about the metapopulation theory and models and how they relate to fish and wildlife populations. Use a computer model based on  23 May 2012 The metapopulation concept was established in the literature in the late 1960s, though some ecologists had formulated ideas about spatially  24 Sep 2018 The global transmission of infectious diseases poses huge threats to human.