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Cooperation structures - Kvarkenrådet
The Nordic Council of Ministers granted in 2002 – 2003 money for a Nordic project shows that there is a great interest among the operators on the market to for example the subscriptions operators offer, and planned obsolescence which On the first level are governments of the Nordic countries, which mandate to gather colleagues especially from the Nordic (and Baltic) countries that are institutes, authorities, manufacturers, operators, maintenance companies, and some new Swedish or foreign insurer other than the Nordic Nuclear Insurers For individual operators , on the other hand , the proposals lead to increased Danish cable operator Stofa has finally launched its long-awaited Android TV-based set-top and has signed a new partnership agreement to include HBO Nordic Approved for Nordic operators. Dette mærke er garanti for, at den aktuelle model af mobilen, tablets eller andet produkt med SIM-kort er testet og verificeret af Samsung Electronics Nordic for de nordiske mobilnet.*. At det rette sprog skal være tilgængeligt på mobiler og tablets med SIM-kort er en selvfølge, men det er også vigtigt at vide, at kravene fra mobiloperatørerne er forskellige i forskellige dele af verden. Approved for Nordic operators Detta sigill säkerställer att modellen är testad och verifierad av Samsung Electronics Nordic för nordiska teleoperatörer. Det här sigillet säkerställer att den aktuella modellen av mobilen, surfplattan eller andra produkter med SIM-kort är testad och verifierad av Samsung Electronics Nordic för de Viðskiptavinir með tæki sem ekki eru “Approved for Nordic Operators” geta fundið fyrir muninum með ýmsum hætti. Áhrifin geta verið allt frá því að vera lakari rafhlöðuending (t.d.
A total guarantee amount of up to €26 million is expected to support 60 transactions in the film and TV series production sector, supporting Nordic creative content to go worldwide. Approved Companies Nature’s Best is Europe’s first eco-label that assures the quality of hundreds of tours run by nearly hundred eco-certified tour operators around the country. Which means if you book a trip with one of Nature’s Best tour operators you know that they have to adhere to a strict code of conduct, and you make a positive contribution to the environment where your tour or activity is taking place. Status: Approved by NIT Terms of reference for Nordic Market Expert Group (NMEG) 1.
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Kilimanjaro Gold Holding AB, approved for listing on Nordic MTF. Nordic Growth Market NGM AB (”NGM”) has decided to list Kilimanjaro Gold Holding AB (publ) ("Kilimanjaro Gold") on Nordic MTF. The first trading day is May 30th, 2013. This process is applicable to Dangerous Goods Operators Part 127, Part 135 and Part 121 that are approved to transport dangerous as prescribed in Part 92 of SACAA CARs 2011, as amended, the SACATS DG and the ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of DG by Air. The Nordic NRAs will assess and evaluate the proposal for approval within a period of 6 months or request changes to the proposal before the proposal can be approved. The Nordic NRAs welcome written input on the methodology at the latest 29th June 2020. Comments shall be sent to with copy to
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Thank you. Kind regards. The total funding from the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme and other Nordic organisations may not exceed 85% of the budget.
This consultation concerns the proposal of all Nordic TSOs for the minimum activation period to be ensured by FCR providers in accordance with Article 156(10) of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1485 of 2 August 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity transmission system operation (SO Regulation). Scandic is the largest Nordic hotel operator with a network of about 280 hotels with 58,000 hotel rooms in operation and under development in six countries. Scandic Friends is the biggest loyalty program in the Nordic hotel sector.
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Det här sigillet säkerställer att den aktuella modellen av mobilen, surfplattan eller andra produkter med SIM-kort är testad och verifierad av Samsung Electronics Nordic för de Viðskiptavinir með tæki sem ekki eru “Approved for Nordic Operators” geta fundið fyrir muninum með ýmsum hætti. Áhrifin geta verið allt frá því að vera lakari rafhlöðuending (t.d.
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of NBM, approval processes for common Nordic services and IT development of the demand response services to system operators, including “autonomously
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Testerna genomförs lokalt av Samsungs nordiska utvecklings-avdelning, och testade produkter får efter godkännande sigillet: ”Approved för Nordic Operators”.
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The Nordic SOR NRAs will request the TS Os to submit a revised proposal no later than two months after receiving the last Nordic SOR NRAs’ request for COPENHAGEN, Denmark, April 20, 2021 – Bavarian Nordic A/S (OMX: BAVA, OTC: BVNRY) today held the Annual General Meeting with the results as follows: The Annual Report for 2020 was adopted. The Nordic Unmanned receives Light UAS Operator Certificate (LUC) under new EASA regulation 2021-04-20 15:04:36 20.4.2021 15:04:34 CEST | Nordic Unmanned | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state privacy notice for operators and drivers (vehicle data) This notice provides information about the processing of your personal data by the Volvo Group. The Volvo Group may process personal data about you, if you are or have been an individual, or the employee of a company, that has bought or rented a product or service offered by one of the companies belonging to the Volvo Group.