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Mastication is a rhythmical automatic movement similar to breathing or walking, and is a characteristic movement that can intentionally be made faster, slower, or even stopped. The neural circuits, together with regulation of breathing, walking, posture, and blood circulation, are programed in the lower brainstem. Mastication is a vital function that ensures that ingested food is broken down into pieces and prepared for digestion. This review outlines the masticatory behavior in terms of the muscle activation patterns and jaw movements and gives an overview of the organization and function of the trigeminal neuronal circuits that are known to take part in the generation and control of oro-facial motor acou (s)-, acu (s)-. hear. amni-.
Howe GL. PMID: 6582868 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] MeSH Terms Mastication etymology: L. masticare = to chew. Learn more about the history of +1000 medical terms. Mastication is an indispensable oral function related to physical, mental, and social health throughout life. The elderly tend to have a masticatory dysfunction due to tooth loss and fragility in the masticatory muscles with aging, potentially resulting in impaired cognitive function.
Systematic review of measurement properties of methods for
and mastication in elderly men., Artikel i tidskrift, Gerodontology, 2007, 24, 1, 41 -. 6 tidskrift, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2002, 166, 1, Term Newborn Infants with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy., Artikel i If you are in need of medical advice on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle then your mind can concoct and so much more with a Philips Micro Masticating Juicer!
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Mastication. Definition: The process of chewing and grinding food in the mouth. Body System: Digestive. Mastication is a rhythmical automatic movement similar to breathing or walking, and is a characteristic movement that can intentionally be made faster, slower, or even stopped.
The process of chewing food in preparation for swallowing and
chewing, mastication: mastication: The process of chewing and grinding food in the mouth. megacolon: Extreme dilatation of the colon. melena: The black, tarry, foul-smelling feces that contain degraded blood. meli-honey, sugar: mesenteric: Relating to the double layer of peritoneum suspending the intestine from the posterior abdominal wall
Mastication is an indispensable oral function related to physical, mental, and social health throughout life. The elderly tend to have a masticatory dysfunction due to tooth loss and fragility in the masticatory muscles with aging, potentially resulting in impaired cognitive function.
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[L. mastico, pp.
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[n -S] Medical Definition of Mastication. 1. The process of chewing food in preparation for swallowing and chewing, mastication: mastication: The process of chewing and grinding food in the mouth. megacolon: Extreme dilatation of the colon.
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Chewing or mastication is the process by which food is crushed and ground by teeth. It is the first step of digestion, and it increases the surface area of foods to allow a more efficient break down by enzymes. During the mastication process, the food is positioned by … Mastication is a vital function that ensures that ingested food is broken down into pieces and prepared for digestion. This review outlines the masticatory behavior in terms of the muscle activation patterns and jaw movements and gives an overview of the organization and function of the trigeminal neuronal circuits that are known to take part in the generation and control of oro-facial motor acou (s)-, acu (s)-. hear. amni-. fetal membrane, amniotic sac, amnion.