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At the same time, higher quality care can be made possible through medical and technological innovation. Technical solutions with mobile devices, called mHealth , bring about new possibilities for … First Derm by iDoc24 | 350 följare på LinkedIn. First Derm is changing the field of dermatology. We have a portfolio of dermatology applications that provide both consumers and businesses a faster, more convenient means to receive professional advice on skin care. Dermatologists are overloaded with patients and it takes weeks to get an appointment. IDoc24’s vision is to provide sound medical information in the mobile telephone any time, anywhere, 24/7. Contact www.idoc24.com Incubate 2009 Since 2005, physician Alexander Børve has had the vision to make health care more accessible to the citizen and involve the citizen in his own health, a concept coined by the WHO and called eHealth.

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Bolagets VD är Börve, Alexander . På Ratsit hittar du Telefonnummer Adress … På allabolag.se hittar du företagsinformation om iDoc24. allabolag.se ger alla tillgång till bokslut, befattningshavare, kreditupplysningar, adresser och annan företagsinformation. First Derm is an award-winning on-demand online dermatology service backed by scientific research, with over 30,000 skin concerns answered. Real dermatologists answer your query within hours.

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iDoc24, San Francisco, California. 237 likes. Skin advice in any device, 24/7. Send an image of any skin concern and have an answer from a board certified dermatologist in hours.

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First Derm is changing the field of dermatology. We have a portfolio of dermatology applications that provide both consumers and businesses a faster, more convenient means to receive professional advice on skin care. First Derm by iDoc24 | 349 followers on LinkedIn. First Derm is changing the field of dermatology. We have a portfolio of dermatology applications that provide both consumers and businesses a iDoc24 is an award-winning online dermatology service backed by scientific research, with over 20,000 skin concerns answered. Featured on Wired, CNET, USA Today and Forbes, iDoc24 is one of the oldest and largest online dermatology groups, serving 160+ countries in 7 languages. De senaste tweetarna från @iDoc24 View iDoc24 (www.idoc24.com) location in California, United States , revenue, industry and description.


På Bolagsfakta.se hittar du kontakt-och företagsinformation, nyckeltal, lön till VD & styrelse m.m. iDoc24 AB - Org.nummer: 5567464721. Vid senaste bokslut 2019 hade företaget en omsättningsförändring på -95,4%. Fördelningen i styrelsen är 50,0 % män (1), 50,0 % kvinnor (1) .
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Idoc24 AB omsatte 46 000 kr senaste räkenskapsåret (2019).

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Does not replace consultation with a physician. iDoc24 has applied for entry to the UK's NHS Choices Health Apps Library." iDoc24- Fråga Hudläkaren i Mobilen få svar inom 24 timmar Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Download iDoc24 - Ask a dermatologist App 5.0.2 for iPhone free online at AppPure.

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22 feb 2011 Den prisbelönta medicinsk informationstjänsten iDoc24 lanseras som en säger Dr Alexander Börve, grundare av IDoc24 och forskare inom  11 nov 2011 iDoc24 utnämndes igår till vinnare av Guldmobilen i kategorin ”Årets mobila hälsa”. Priset går till Sveriges hetaste mobila tjänster och delas ut  4 Jun 2019 The team behind iDoc24 also developed and powers the First Derm platform, which is very similar to the iDoc24 app: it gives access to a  18 jun 2018 Idoc24 grundades efter att Alexander Börves flickvän, som var hudläkare, tröttnat på middagsbjudningar. ”Det var alltid någon som skulle visa  iDoc24, en svensk mobilhälsotjänst, i Kenya genom redan etablerade technology is mobile communication, which the Swedish company iDoc24 believes can.