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Sapiens [Elektronisk resurs] : en kort historik över

Lyssna på gratisfragment av de bästa ljudböckerna redan nu! Med sina böcker Sapiens och Homo Deus har historikern Yuval Noah Harari blivit en av vår tids mest hyllade tänkare. Arena Essä publicerar  Sapiens : en kort historik över mänskligheten / Yuval Noah Harari ; översättning: Joachim Retzlaff. Av: Harari, Yuval Noah. Utgivningsår: 2015. Språk: Svenska.

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2020-07-21 In Sapiens, Dr. Yuval Noah Harari spans the whole of human history, from the very first humans to walk the earth to the radical -- and sometimes devastating -- breakthroughs of the Cognitive, Agricultural, and Scientific Revolutions. 2015-03-01 Yuval Noah Harari works as a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and specializes in world and military history. Sapiens is his first international best seller; it … 2020-11-08 2014-09-04 - Welcome by Harari fan, reptile hunter and professor Jørn Hurum- "How humans conquered the world" by Yuval Harari- Yuval Harari in conversation about "Sapie In Sapiens, Professor Yuval Noah Harari spans the whole of human history, from the very first humans to walk the earth to the radical--and sometimes devastating--breakthroughs of the Cognitive, Agricultural, and Scientific Revolutions. Drawing on insights from biology, 2018-05-15 2015-04-30 Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. Rating: 10/10.

Sapiens [Elektronisk resurs] : en kort historik över

Yuval Noah Harari för med  Sapiens: en kort historik över mänskligheten. Front Cover.

Sapiens : en kort historik över mänskligheten:

1 May 2015 What makes us Sapiens? This bestselling history of our species challenges everything we know about being human. Planet Earth is 4.5 billion  24 Sep 2014 Dr Harari carries out an interesting thought experiment: what if Neanderthals and other Homo species had survived alongside us? “Would the  Hayvanlardan Tanrılara Sapiens & İnsan Türünün Kısa Bir Tarihi - KOLEKTİF KİTAP - Yuval Noah Harari - - Homo sapiens neden ekolojik bir seri k. 22 Nov 2014 By Glyn Davis It takes ambition to describe the history of humanity in 416 pages. Yuval Noah Harari from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem is  18 Sep 2014 La larga vida de los 'Homo sapiens'.

Sapiens harari

6 Feb 2015 Yuval Noah Harari's “Sapiens,” the most recent crack at what Mr. Christian calls Big History, has already been translated into more than 20  10 Feb 2015 Yuval Noah Harari breaks the mold with this highly original book that begins about 70,000 years ago with the appearance of modern cognition. 1 May 2015 What makes us Sapiens? This bestselling history of our species challenges everything we know about being human. Planet Earth is 4.5 billion  24 Sep 2014 Dr Harari carries out an interesting thought experiment: what if Neanderthals and other Homo species had survived alongside us?
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Sapiens harari

Harari primarily presents an hypothesis as to how Homo sapiens who successfully migrated out of Africa circa 70 kya (thousand years ago) and thereafter, successfully dominating the planet, differed from earlier Homo sapiens who attempted out migration previously (e.g. around 130 kya) but were not successful.

Sapiens: Una breve historia de la humanidad.Un libro escrito por Yuval Harari, publicado en el año 2014, donde se pregunta qué hizo al homo sapiens la especi Sapiens är en medryckande och tankeväckande bok om mänsklighetens historia som på kort tid blivit en internationell bästsäljare.
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Yuval Noah Harari: Sapiens Vägen till - Dagens bok

Historikern Yuval Noah Harari tar oss med från Homo sapiens första steg på jorden, då vi var ett däggdjur bland alla andra, till idag när vi står som världens obestridda härskare - med makt att både skapa och utplåna liv. Harari focuses on several key turning points in human history, including the Cognitive Revolution (70,000 years ago) when a random genetic mutation enabled humanity’s ancestors (Homo sapiens) to imagine and believe things that aren’t true, which, Harari argues, had a profound effect on humanity’s ability to cooperate in large groups.

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Författaren till ”Sapiens – En kort historik över mänskligheten

Jämför pris  Buy Sapiens : en kort historik över mänskligheten by Harari, Yuval Noah, Ekström, Catharina, Granlund, Bitte, Retzlaff, Joachim (ISBN: 9789127140394) from  New York Times BestsellerA Summer Reading Pick for President Barack Obama, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg From a renowned historian comes a  From a renowned historian comes a groundbreaking narrative of humanity's creation and evolution—a #1 international bestseller—that explores the ways in  Provocerande, filosofiskt avancerat, stundtals mycket intressant, men ibland rent fjantigt. Björn Gunnarsson har läst israeliske Yuval Noah  LIBRIS titelinformation: Sapiens : en kort historik över mänskligheten / Yuval Noah Harari ; översättning: Joachim Retzlaff. Sapiens [Elektronisk resurs] : en kort historik över mänskligheten / Yuval Noah Harari ;.