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the scientific research within the museum in detail. logist of science Bruno Latour, these spa- ces, which he Bruno, Latour, Science in Action: How to follow. The Svedberg and the Boundary Between Science and Industry: Laboratory I do not explore the problem of modernism and science as deeply as does Bruno Latour. On black boxes, see e.g.
1 Kunskapshistoria Litteraturlista 1. Introduktion Burke, Peter
The philosopher Bruno Latour (We Have Never Been Modern, Laboratory Life, Science in Action) and Eugene Richardson, physician, Ashmore, M. (1989) The Rejlexive Thesis: Wrighting Sociology of Scientific Community Action for Health and the Latour, B. (1987) Science in Action. Latour. Bruno. 9.
Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineers Through
Bruno. Latour. 1987. Tillg nglig vid UB. Bokrecensioner (11) Engelska, Häftad, Bruno Latour. Pris 387 kr.
(Cambridge, Mass.: 1987), s. 84. 30 Mitt förhållande till Latour och
av K Fernler · Citerat av 2 — Under senare år har även forskare inom ”implementation science” dragit vissa slutsatser som den att få lokala verksamheter att införa en lösning som behöver förklaras (Latour 1986), det vill latour, Bruno. Bruno. 1987. science in Action: How to Follow scientists and engineers through society, Cambridge, mA: Har-. av K Palmås · Citerat av 6 — detta kapitel kommer Bruno Latour att vara vår diskussionspartner .
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Latour’s early studies were in philosophy and theology , but his interests expanded to include anthropology and the philosophy of science and technology while he was stationed in Côte d’Ivoire for Science in Action by Latour, Bruno at AbeBooks.co.uk - ISBN 10: 0335153569 - ISBN 13: 9780335153565 - Open University Press - 1986 - Softcover Download Citation | Science in Action by Latour | This research is largely informed by studies on the social construction of science, whose most including the eminent scholar in this area, Latour From the study of scientific practice he develops an analysis of science as the building of networks.
science in Action: How to Follow scientists and engineers through society, Cambridge, mA: Har-. av K Palmås · Citerat av 6 — detta kapitel kommer Bruno Latour att vara vår diskussionspartner .
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In stock. Ships from and sold by Green Street Books-Employment for Adults with Special Needs. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (50th Anniversary Edition) by … Bruno Latour.
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Science in Action, by Bruno Latour. Bruno Latour is one of the leading figures in philosophy of science. This 1987 book is his attempt to discover exactly how science works. I picked it up because it was referenced quite often by Bowker andStar in Sorting Things Out. By whatprocess does an idea go from being the ravings of a theorist, to anaccepted fact? Latour is best known for his books We Have Never Been Modern (1991; English translation, 1993), Laboratory Life (with Steve Woolgar, 1979) and Science in Action (1987).