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Freds- och konfliktvetenskap: Uppsala Conflict Database
The Effect of Armed Conflict on Modern Contraception Utilisation – the Case of Colombia2016Självständigt arbete på avancerad nivå (masterexamen), 29 sep. 2009 — (Uppsala Conflict Data Program (Date of retrieval: 09/09/28) UCDP Database: www.ucdp.uu.se/database, Uppsala University ©2008). Landfakta från FN:s flyktingkommissarie UNHCR WHO: China Landfakta från Världshälsoorganisationen WHO. Konflikter, Uppsala Conflict Data Program. Experiment Evaluation of Snowmobiler-Skier Conflict.
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The PRIO Conflict Recurrence database extends on already existing data on organized violence by Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) (Gleditsch, Wallensteen, Eriksson, Sollenberg, & Strand, 2002; Sundberg & Melander, 2013). The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) is a disaggregated data collection, analysis, and crisis mapping project. ACLED is the highest quality and most widely used real-time data and analysis source on political violence and protest around the world. The Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) is a data collection program on organized violence, based at Uppsala University in Sweden.
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Research. Since May 2019, I am employed as an Associate Professor at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University.
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7 Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP). 8 United Nations Security Council, 2020 s. 7. International Students of Uppsala University, Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP), Uppsala runforum, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, strida mot konflikt intressekonflikt motsättning strid conflict konflikten strider mot Uppsala Conflict Data Program- database on conflicts around the world.
India (Sikhs) Marshall (1983-1993): 25,000 Uppsala (1989-1994): 15,000-25,000 battle-related deaths COW: combines figures for the Sikh problem and the Kashmir conflict. 30,000 state participants dead in the two conflicts since 1985. 2020-11-14 · Method: Drawing on the Uppsala Conflict Database, we reviewed all countries that suffered at least one war within their own territory between 1989 and 2015 (time span chosen on availability of geo-referenced data and population estimates). We then conducted a meta-
2021-4-12 · Uppsala University’s researchers share their knowledge in public lectures. Every year, the University is visited by leading researchers and influential people from around the world. At Uppsala University, you can hear Nobel laureates, researchers, authors, politicians and many others give lectures.
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The Effect of Armed Conflict on Modern Contraception Utilisation – the Case of Colombia2016Självständigt arbete på avancerad nivå (masterexamen), 29 sep. 2009 — (Uppsala Conflict Data Program (Date of retrieval: 09/09/28) UCDP Database: www.ucdp.uu.se/database, Uppsala University ©2008). Landfakta från FN:s flyktingkommissarie UNHCR WHO: China Landfakta från Världshälsoorganisationen WHO. Konflikter, Uppsala Conflict Data Program. Experiment Evaluation of Snowmobiler-Skier Conflict. Chapter in doctoral dissertation, Economic Studies 86, Department of Economics, Uppsala University, The Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) has recorded ongoing violent conflicts since the 1970s.
2018 — The Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) has recorded 9 Therese Pettersson, Projektledare, UCDP (Uppsala Conflict Data Program),. av J Hedenskog · 2020 · Citerat av 1 — The unresolved conflicts in Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Nagorno-Karabakh dödsoffer på båda sidor under fyra dagar (Uppsala Conflict Data Program, u.å.). 20 apr. 2020 — Chairperson · Joakim Palme.
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Databaser / Databases: U - Bibliotekets guider
2021-04-12 · The PRIO Conflict Recurrence database extends on already existing data on organized violence by Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) ( Gleditsch, Wallensteen, Eriksson, Sollenberg, & Strand, 2002; Sundberg & Melander, 2013). The minimum of 25 battle-related deaths per calendar year is required for the inclusion of a new conflict into the UCDP Conflict Encyclopedia (UCDP database). In regards to state-based conflict, 25 battle-related deaths are required per every stated incompatibility and dyad.
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Freds- och konfliktvetenskap: Uppsala Conflict Database
7 Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP). 8 United Nations Security Council, 2020 s.