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1. A maxed character decently geared (250-350 ish). 2. A basic knowledge of the cities, classes, auctioneers/vendors, etc. 3. A reasonably developed Garrison.

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A searchable list of all Guides for World of Warcraft: Classic created by Wowhead users. Rate, create, and share guides on Wowhead. Look no further, this is your definitive WoW gold farming guide! This WoW gold guide is a constant work in progress and will be continuously updated with all the best ways to hit the WoW gold cap. Head over to our WoW Classic Gold Farming Guide for tips on how to make gold in WoW Classic. The Best Gold Farming Spots and Methods in Shadowlands In this guide, you will learn about the various consumables and buffs available in TBC Classic, and how they stack together. The rules are quite different coming from Classic, as a majority of consumables have been categorized as Battle Elixirs, Guardian Elixirs.

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Since the main draw of the instance is quality rather than quantity, vendoring boss drops for higher returns than killing everything in sight in hopes of an expensive BoE, just check out our Maraudon Gold Farming Guide for more info on who can effectively solo the dungeon, how to do it, and what you can find inside. Eine durchsuchbare Liste aller Guides für World of Warcraft: Classic erstellt durch Wowhead Benutzer.

While the Barn does produce Savage Blood which can be turned to gold via the AH, the Inn (Lvl 3) provides Treasure Hunting missions which can be run a few times a day for the same amount of gold with much less time involved (and is in my opinion more alt friendly). 2019-04-24 2020-04-05 2020-11-22 A searchable list of all Guides for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands created by Wowhead users.
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The rules are quite different coming from Classic, as a majority of consumables have been categorized as Battle Elixirs, Guardian Elixirs.