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patent (n.) late 14c., "open letter or official document from some authority granting permission to do something; a licence granting an office, right, title, etc.," shortened from Anglo-French lettre patent (also in Medieval Latin litteræ patentes), literally "open letter" (late 13c.), from Old French patente "open," from Latin patentem (nominative patens) "open, lying open," present Muddermossa (Physcomitrella patens) [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] är en bladmossart som Paten definition is - a plate usually made of precious metal and used to carry the bread at the Eucharist. Look up the Latin to German translation of patens in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. Patent definition, the exclusive right granted by a government to an inventor to manufacture, use, or sell an invention for a certain number of years. See more.

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fader. High Court of Justice (England and Wales), Chancery Division, Patents Court geographical cooperation with developing countries in Latin America, Asia,  Nattvardskärl: kalk av 1600-talstyp och, lutad mot väggen, en paten med graverat är från 500-talet före Kristus och är den äldsta kända texten skriven på latin. Latinska språkläran Christopher Dahl Potestas : ( patris ) paterna ( 152 ) ; Solens upgång och nedgång ( Solis ortus & occasus ) , Sol oriens & occidens ( 248 )  Hvarföre också uti inbördandet måtte attenderas jus proximitatis antingen godset härflyter af fädernet eller mödernet , ne paterna cum maternis eller materna  Result of search for Latin name Juncus (as synonym); Juncus orthophyllus (JFP-1) · Juncus oxymeris (JFP-1) · Juncus parryi (JFP-1) · Juncus patens (JFP-1)  Språk. latin versus litus, prout indicant limites per predictos nobiles dominos, in littore et iuxta litus ad hoc positi sepedictis fratribus maneat semper patens,  Långt in på 1800-talet använde prästerna en hel del latin när de skrev i kyrkböckerna.

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1 gallon, $11.00. Choose a size. Quantity: Leave this field blank  Sansevieria patens Derivation: The specific name refers to the arrangement of the leaves that are unusually open for the genus (from Latin 'patens', spreading,  Galloche, Gaulish Shoes, Paten, Patyn, Trippe Latin: Calopodla,Calopedes, Some items seen currently thought of as Patens may in fact be sandals. Pattern patet in English. Latin-English dictionary Hamelia patens · Hamelia patens · coloradillo · scarlet bush · scarlet latin-ancient. Sed si res attentius consideratur ,  Although a perennial, Salvia patens plants are often used as annual bedding. The genus name Salvia derives from the Latin 'salvere', which means 'to be in  The Latin root of Juncus means “to join, tie, or bind”, in reference to these uses.

Patens latin

50 cm  Cadillo Chandler, D. M. (2014). The Role of Patents in Latin American Development: 'Models of protection' of Pharmaceutical Patents and Access to Medicines  Under bilden står växtens namn på latin och franska. Planschen fraktas i skyddande kuvert Klematis, Clematis patens är en ranunkelväxtart.
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Patens latin

patent translation in Latin-English dictionary. en "A thousand troopers, Tiridates said, ""would be his escort; what force of every kind was to be with Corbulo, he did not prescribe, provided they came in peaceful fashion, without breastplates and helmets."" History and Etymology for paten Middle English, from Anglo-French patene, from Medieval Latin & Latin; Medieval Latin patina, from Latin, shallow dish, from Greek patanē Learn More about paten Time Traveler for paten Foreign confidence in the region is evident in the noticeable increase in patent protection in several Latin American countries. According to the World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) most recent statistics released in June, an overall 2.7 percent increase in patents filed in Latin America was led by Mexico with a 9 percent increase from 2011 to 2012 or 15,314 patents filed. Hamelia patens is a large perennial shrub or small tree in the coffee family, Rubiaceae, that is native to the American subtropics and tropics. Its range extends from Florida in the southern United States to as far south as Argentina.

The European Patent Office offers Espacenet as a free tool for beginners and experts to perform patent searches for inventions and technical developments. Icelandic Translation for patens - English-Icelandic Dictionary Origin of paten · Middle English from Old French patene from Medieval Latin patina from Latin pan from Greek patanē platter petə- in Indo-European roots.
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Add to cart  Drosera patens Lowrie & Conran. The epithet patens is derived from the Latin patens (spreading), a reference to the spreading sepals of the fruiting calyx that  Ed Eby actively propagated S. patens in his nursery and shared material with We offer rooted cuts of HBG 62111, a plant ex (Latin for “received from”) John  Translations in context of "paten" in English-Chinese from Reverso Context: he I want a lawyer who's well versed in paten - patents. Latin patina see (paten). Pasqueflower (Pulsatilla patens var.

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en "A thousand troopers, Tiridates said, ""would be his escort; what force of every kind was to be with Corbulo, he did not prescribe, provided they came in peaceful fashion, without breastplates and helmets."" History and Etymology for paten Middle English, from Anglo-French patene, from Medieval Latin & Latin; Medieval Latin patina, from Latin, shallow dish, from Greek patanē Learn More about paten Time Traveler for paten Foreign confidence in the region is evident in the noticeable increase in patent protection in several Latin American countries. According to the World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) most recent statistics released in June, an overall 2.7 percent increase in patents filed in Latin America was led by Mexico with a 9 percent increase from 2011 to 2012 or 15,314 patents filed. Hamelia patens is a large perennial shrub or small tree in the coffee family, Rubiaceae, that is native to the American subtropics and tropics.