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Privacy; Legal © 1999-2015, XEROX CORPORATION. All rights reserved Partnerportal; In english; Dessa sidor är endast för inloggade Bastec-partners. Partnerportalen är till för Bastecs registrerade partners, Unable to process login, please try again.

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Welcome to the Partner Portal - Banner; Preferred Language. Loading Unable to process login, please try again. Email Address. Password Xerox recommends using the latest versions of Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome for your best Partner Portal experience. Close. Apply for the Global Partner Programme Apply.
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Verifone Partnerportalen är avsedd för kunder till Hultafors Group Sverige AB Om du saknar inloggningsuppgifter, vänligen ta kontakt med kundtjänst på 033-723 75 50 eller IFS Partner Portal is a secured network zone with systems and services accessed over the Internet. With an account you can, depending on your role, access IFS services for information, collaboration, development and support. To access the partner portal you need to Become a partner. Already our partner?